- All sales, unless otherwise noted, are FOB origin Spokane, Washington or Nashville, Tennessee, Prepay & Add. We do not have an order minimum.
- At time of order entry, we do our best to estimate shipping charges for you, but actual charges are determined once your order has been pulled, packed, and logged. The actual number of boxes and the dimensions of the boxes required are not always easy to estimate.
- We insure all shipments over $100.00 unless you specifically instruct us not to. You can make your choice about insurance each time you order online, or you can complete and sign an insurance waiver and we will set up your account according to your instructions. As per carrier requirements, all shipments over $500.00 in value that are insured, will require a delivery signature.
- Packaging is commercial best practices, please request a quote for special packaging requirements such as FAR flow downs.
- Our preferred freight carriers are Federal Express and UPS.